How I Met You

sesungguhnya realiti itu tidak indah;

This year, the How I Met Your Mother series comes to an end.

and sure there's always critics around saying how it got less funny, and after 9 years, some people got really bored.

I agree, and also disagree.
The whole idea of how long it took for Ted to meet THE ONE was actually more realistic than any other movie.

Let's face it, by the end of any 2 hour movie, the hero finds the heroine, they figure things out, and they lived happily ever after.

and as the audience we quietly think to ourselves, 

"oh sure, i bet the perfect one for me is the next guy i'm going to meet. or maybe that 7 Eleven guy i see everyday"

We quickly jump to conclusions that these things are meant to happen quickly,just like that 2 hour movie. what's worse is when we feel like we're missing out and just decide to settle on the first thing we see.

probably in our heads, 

"Yup, this is THE GUY. This is where my fairy tale starts!"

How do you think Ted ended up with SO MANY WRONG GIRLS.
Zoey? and the one i hated the most JEANETTE?

OF course, once we have met THE ONE, there's no saying how many times we'd think

"I really wish that i had met you sooner,"

i don't know about you guys but i think about Cookie that way all the time. 

I look back at the photos from his high school years and i think,


my dorm mate was crushing over him for like over a year and i had no clue who he was. 

but then when we take a look on the other side, like the 200th episode, How Your Mother Met Me.

and we figure out that timing has its purposes as well.

Maybe he wouldn't have liked you 7 years ago.
Maybe YOU wouldn't have liked him 7 years ago!

if it had started 7 years ago, would it last till today?

there's no certainty. 

but hey.

there's now.

and the best part is we did meet.

and we met at the right time. 


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