take a hike

sesungguhnya realiti itu tidak indah;

in the years of my life, 
i would not be the one to be called athletic.
but when in desperate times
i could just do that.

we took a hike today, all the way in Tokushima.
thank god it wasn't a 3 hour hike, just a short 45 minute one.

even though so it did feel like forever.
i stopped feeling my legs and i was ready to tumble at any minute
(in my brain at least)

but once we reached the top,
you forget that you were even tired.

the view is breathtaking enough to make you not think about your legs falling off.

or how your heart is beating so fast.

come to think of it, it reminded me alot about mountains in my life.

studying for SPM, and then you get the scholarship.
then in college you study till half dead and then you reach Japan. 

the homework, the exams, the crying, the giving up half way.
its always the same.

and then when you finally reach the top of that mountain,
all those things just seem to be a distant memory ago.

there's always a new mountain to climb.
for me, now it's the you need to graduate mountain

because life is always like that 


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